Take Your Party to Go!

Have you heard the great news? Gamewright is launching a brand new line of games, called the Port-a-Party line. If you’re gearing up for summer travel, these games are the perfect addition to any trip.

As you might have guessed from the title, the line features portable and travel-friendly party games, geared toward those ages 12 and up. We’re initially introducing two titles, Joe Name It and Who Would Win. Both games are set to hit store shelves later this month (they can both be pre-ordered on our website right now)! Even better, we’re offering a giveaway of both games for one lucky fan. More information about this at the end of the post.

Joe Name It is a fast-paced trivia game where players try to win the most cards by filling in the blanks with the number rolled on a die and then correctly naming something that fits the category. It plays in 15 minute and is for 2 or more players.

Who Would Win is a hilarious game that pits improbable celebrity matchups against each other. Players draw cards and then convince the judge why their characters would win a randomly chosen event. (For example – Albert Einstein vs. Donald Trump in a hot dog eating contest.) Get the most votes to win the game. Who Would Win plays in 15 minutes and is for 3 or more players.

The Port-a-Party line is certainly a new venture for Gamewright. Who Would Win and Joe Name It are fun for families, but will really appeal to an older audience. Plus, with a $9.99 price tag, these games are easy on the wallet. We think they’ll be a sure hit at your next party!

How about a chance to win both Port-a-Party games before buying? We’re giving away a copy of Joe Name It and Who Would Win to one lucky winner. Here’s how to enter the contest:

Who would win a hot dog eating contest? Donald Trump OR Albert Einstein?

Pick a side and comment on this post with your best argument! I’ll play the judge this round and choose the person who makes the best case. You have until midnight (EST) on Monday, May 23rd to enter. I’ll announce the winner on Tuesday, May 24th. So…Who Would Win?!


About Gamewright

Gamewright is a leading manufacturer of family games, best known for such household hits as Slamwich, Rat-a-Tat Cat, In a Pickle, Rory's Story Cubes and The Scrambled States of America Game. Gamewright prides itself on making games that foster laughter, learning, friendship and fun. Kids, parents, grandparents, and educators all agree that Gamewright makes some of the best games on the planet. For more information, visit www.gamewright.com.
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38 Responses to Take Your Party to Go!

  1. Jake says:

    Donald Trump would definitely win because Albert Einstein is dead!

  2. skirkham says:

    Donald Trump would win especially if he was wearing a suit (even if good old Albert was wearing one too) because a TRUMP SUIT beats all other suits in those type of games!


    Hope you think this is one of those Hot Diggity Dog Posts that wins!

    Twitter: SKirkham1967A
    Email SKirkham[at]triad.rr.com

  3. Shimona Katz says:

    Einstein, of course. E(instein) = m(aster) c(chomper) squared. Isn’t that what it stands for? 🙂

  4. Shimona Katz says:

    If these games sell and you ever increase the port-a-party line, please consider making games for ages 8 and up. This would be such a great idea for entertaining younger kids when you are in an airport, or on a long car trip, etc.

  5. Sara F. says:

    Einstein, because he could compute the cubic volume of his stomach and translate that into how many hot dogs would fit, making allowance for a bit of stretch if necessary. Besides, the Germanic areas of Europe, are famous for their sausages and the like, he’d probably be well-practiced at eating quantities of similar food!

  6. Sheryl W says:

    Hot dogs were invented during Einstein’s lifetime. The term Frankfurter was used earlier, probably 1600’s. The term “hot dog” was first coined in 1901 at the New York Polo Grounds. Since Donald Trump always has his foot in his mouth I would say Einstein would win a hot dog eating contest. Besides Trump probably thinks himself too good to eat a lowly hotdog.

  7. Pingback: Port-A-Party Line For Your Summer Travels

  8. alleighco says:

    Albert Einstein. He is a ghost, and therefore his stomach has no limit.

  9. Pingback: Gamewright launches brand new line of games this month! « Boardgames in Blighty

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  13. Trump would… but he would cheat. He’d hide them under his comb-over.

  14. Dave says:

    In a literal sense, assuming the event were to take place today, Donald Trump would win simply because Albert Einstein is dead. However, if we were to take a step back and entertain the idea of the two partaking in a hot dog eating contest on a more level playing field, again, Donald Trump would likely emerge victorious. Within the last few weeks, Donald Trump has gained media attention for accusing President Barack Obama of not eating a hot dogs, which would be a bold claim coming from someone who can not pound them down. We can only assume Trump’s political career and credibility as a politician relies on his ability to consume massive amounts of hot dogs as well as his love for them and the American way. Albert Einstein, on the other hand, was born in Germany, so he would probably hold an unfair advantage in a frankfurter eating contest. Fortunately for Trump, we are talking about hot dogs. Moreover, there also remains the possibility that the hot dogs would be presented to the contestants inside a box, a situation which would lead to Einstein’s mind straying elsewhere, (“Think outside the box”) whereas Trump would likely be focused on the hot dogs before him. Einstein was also quoted “I have always eaten animal flesh with a somewhat guilty conscious,” and when put again against Trump, who seems to not feel guilty about anything, Einstein’s victory seems even less likely. In the end though, again quoting the late physicist but probably poor hot dog eater, “Truth is what stands the test of experience.” We’d just have to see, I mean, it is possible that Trump could choke or something, however, even then, Einstein would probably feel even more guilty and stop eating to help him. Yea, Trump would definitely win.

  15. Jimmy Sorel says:

    Trump would win.

    Once the contest started, he would turn to Einstein and say “You’re Fired!”

    Automatic victory.

  16. Sergu says:

    Einstein would win. He knows how to use physics to make a molecular reduction of the hot dogs and eat more than Trump.

  17. Jim says:

    Albert Einstein for SURE. Trump is a heartless, brainless robot. Robots don’t need food. Zombie Einstein needs to eat, but is smart enough to know that brains aren’t the best food. He would take free hot dogs any day. Are the hot dogs free? Can I have some?

  18. Christine says:

    Albert windbag would totally win. Trump is an arrogant idiot. His overconfidence would be his downfall. Einstein would know how to pace himself, etc. Of course, eating contests are so stupid I kinda doubt einstein would enter one, but if he did, I think he’d win.

  19. Christine says:

    Hahaha. The auto correct somehow turned Einstein into windbag!

  20. Pingback: Store Spotlight: Eureka! Puzzles, Brookline, MA | Blog for the Infinitely Imaginative

  21. Tong Chi Wai says:

    Donald: “Hot dog? What’s that? Is it a brand of caviar?”

  22. Linda says:

    Who would win a hot dog eating contest? I think it would be Donald Trump because he has a big mouth and could eat alot. I doubt Einstein could stomach them because I very much doubt he has had one.

  23. Pingback: Game Bandit — Fat Edition | Purple Pawn

  24. tom gurganus says:

    Trump would win because he would just drop them down the hole in his head. It’s covered by that hair.

  25. Seth Pontiff says:

    Albert Einstein would definitely win. He could figure out all necessary dimensions and the hot dog-to-mouth ratio very quickly. No time would be wasted when he ate his hot dog. Donald Trump’s hair would just get in the way.

  26. Ned Leffingwell says:

    Donald Trump would win. He loves to talk about himself so he has exercised his mouth a lot. He is also full of a bunch of hot air, so right before the contest he would blow all that air out to make room for the hot dogs. Finally, he couldn’t stand to have the Trump name tarnished so he would pay for top notch training and give the contest 110% to make sure that he won.

  27. adrienne says:

    “Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT’S relativity.” Albert Einstein

    Ergo, Trump (enjoying his position as Einstein’s rival) would have only minutes while Einstein would have an eternity.

  28. Jim says:

    While the hot dog cart is a fixture in every New Yorker’s life, seeming to give native New Yorker, Trump, the advantage. I still will have to go with Einstein.



    The guy seemed like a mensch. From quotes about the time spent with pretty girls seeming to pass in the blink of an eye (hat tip to Adrienne) to assuring people that their problems with mathematics were nothing compared to his to saying that genius was ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration. He knew himself, knew how to put people (the public that was fascinated by him) at ease. He’s someone you’d want to eat a hot dog with and I can’t help but think any contest organizer might give him a little advantage here and there.

    Besides, he was humble. He’d be most of the way done by the time Trump stopped his own self promotion. There’d be no way Trump could make up the gap. Coupled with Trump stopping every couple of minutes to explain how his win is going to be HUGE, Einstein could set a steady pace that would ultimately win the race.

    Then, there’s the genius, of course. Einstein could figure out the best way to eat the hot dogs. Like the Kobayashi, the thin Japanese competitive eater whose innovations in hot dog eating have made him a multiple word record holder, Einstein had the brain power to solve the hot dog eating problem.

  29. J. Neil Edge says:

    Donald Trump is much more of a glutton than Albert Einstein ever was. Trump wins hands…errrr Dogs….down.

  30. Emily steele says:

    Donald trump would win. Albert Einstein is far too smart to eat hot dogs en masse.

  31. Hardy Pottinger says:

    Einstein FTW, his stick-to-it-iveness is the stuff of legend, not so with The Donald.

  32. Mark Silcox says:

    Trump would win. He’d spend a couple of weeks before the contest trying to get Einstein disqualified by trying to prove that the great scientist was never properly enrolled in the earlier, semi-final round. Then when Einstein produced his registration form, Trump would pretend to concede the victory, only to re-enroll again at the very last minute. The discoverer of general relativity would be so nauseated by the spectacle of all these stratagems that he’d be passed-out with disgust by his second wiener.

  33. Kevin Mann says:

    This match-up seems to be about wealth vs genius. We’ll assume both contenders are in their prime. Consider the environment each comes from–Trump has a clear advantage with height and a close proximity to a plethora of hot dog vendors. He’s also got youth and can buy plenty of hot dogs to practice for his challenge. He might just step in as the more youthful and arrogant New Yorker and apologize in advance to Dr. Einstein, offering him a chance to bow out.

    What Trump fails to consider is that Einstein lived in New Jersey in 1955, the same year that the Brooklyn Dodgers beat the Yankees in the world series. He had plenty of access to hot dogs. This was also the year that Marty McFly brought the DeLorean back in time using the Flux Capacitor, giving Einstein his first chance to experiment with time travel. (It doesn’t happen during the movie, but you can be assured that Einstein and Doc Brown were close).

    Einstein was so impressed by the indomitable human spirit(both Marty and the Dodgers) that he set out to achieve recognition by eating the largest number of the King of Concession food. Of course, he didn’t think about the fact that he was already a world famous physicist. He just wanted to get into the game of what Americans do for entertainment. Food is a big one.

    After several attempts combining fasting, eating tube steak and buns using several different techniques and observing the modern day masters (he’s capable of time travel now), he’s able to perfect his performance.

    When the day arrives, Trump goes ahead with a hearty breakfast, a kingly lunch and spends the afternoon sipping drinks and relaxing. Einstein time travels a day ahead of the scheduled bout, eats enough to keep his stomach limber and arrives at the challenge with a fully expanded stomach, ready to fill it. After each contender downs about a dozen dogs, Trump gets a bit lightheaded and has to quit. He tries to distract Einstein with offers of ketchup, mustard and other condiments and even an offer of money. He should know that Einstein didn’t even bother to cash his Nobel Prize check. Einstein keeps right on, doubling Trump’s efforts. Trump makes one last attempt to eat a dog, then tries to get a double to finish the deed. Several onlookers detect the switch and Trump is disqualified. Einstein wins by cunning, preparation and default. He’s now considered a triple threat.

  34. Heather says:

    Einstein because he had better hair and I’m pretty sure that would help him win. Plus science always wins in my book.

  35. Deanna says:

    Donald would win. He’s a wiener and it takes one to know one! 🙂

  36. Ann Kulichik says:

    As a board recognized swallowing specialist, I would have to say, that after considerable study of the swallowing mechanisms of both gentlemen, I conclude that Mr. Trump would win. Because he has better lawyers.

  37. Shimona Katz says:

    who won?

    • Gamewright says:

      @Shimona Katz: Check out our latest blog post for the announcement, but it was Jimmy S., who answered:

      Trump would win.

      Once the contest started, he would turn to Einstein and say “You’re Fired!”

      Automatic victory.

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